Go, Baptize, Teach!

Community Outreach and Social Justice

The Mission of the Community Outreach and Social Justice Commission is to reach out and extend support with the heart of Jesus Christ to all those who are burdened by material, emotional, health, or other needs.  Based on our Church’s call to practice charity and social justice, we will focus on supporting all our parishioners, irrespective of their cultural or socio-economic backgrounds, our civic community, and our other faith communities so that all may experience the fullness of life that Jesus promised.

Bereavement Ministry

Career Transition Ministry

Community Garden

Divorced Catholics

Funeral Reception Committee


Health and Wellness Ministry

Good Samaritan Emergency Assistance

Meals on Wheels

Nursing Home Volunteers

Open Arms

Our Family Program

Prison Ministry - Kairos

Respect Life

St. Joseph Food Pantry

Stephen Ministry