Go, Baptize, Teach!

Disability Ministry

The Disability Ministry promotes the intellectual and spiritual development of those with disabilities and supports their caregivers with spiritual and emotional support.  We call upon our church community to promote and defend the dignity of life of each person with a sense of justice and compassion.  We recognize the unique gifts of those with disabilities and invite them to participate fully in the life of the church and community.

We offer the following:

Spritual Support for Caregivers

We offer faith-based programs that support caregivers with practical, emotional and spiritual tools, and resources.  We meet twice monthly in person at St. Brendan.  Please check the Parish calendar for dates or contact Amy Raish at amyraish@gmail.com for more information. 

Faith Formation

For special needs children K-6th who cannot fully integrate into a typical classroom environment of their peers, we offer bi-monthly adaptive faith formation on Wednesday evenings.  Preparation for the sacraments of Reconcilliation and First Communion is also offered.   Each child is provided with a teen or adult “buddy” to offer assistance.  Please contact our Youth Faith Formation office for more information.

Please contact us to learn more or to join our team as a volunteer: disabilityministry@stbrendansatl.com