Go, Baptize, Teach!


Deacon Jared Kleinwaechter's Vocation Story

Priestly Ordination Scheduled for June 1, 2024

I was born and raised here in the northern suburbs of Atlanta, and I grew up attending Mass at St. Brendan's. I received my First Holy Communion and my Confirmation at St. Brendan's, and I graduated from Lambert High School in 2012. I then went to college at Georgia Tech, where I studied chemical engineering. I never thought about being a priest until I was in college, and it was through my involvement at the Catholic Center at Georgia Tech that I began to deepen my relationship with Jesus Christ. As this relationship grew, I started feeling a call to the priesthood. But it wasn't until I went on a conference/retreat for Catholic college students where I was able to say "yes" to the Lord's call. During the evening of Adoration, I had a powerful experience of closeness to Jesus in the Eucharist, where He revealed His love for me very intimately in a vision of His sacrifice on the Cross. This experience gave me the courage and freedom to respond to His call to the priesthood. I then entered seminary right after I graduated from Georgia Tech in 2017.

I have spent the last seven years being formed to be a priest at Mundelein Seminary in the Chicago area. I had a year-long internship at St. Lawrence in Lawrenceville, GA a few years ago, which helped to give me a clear perspective on what full-time parish ministry will be like as a priest. I will be ordained a priest on June 1, 2024 at Holy Vietnamese Martyrs in Norcross, GA. I am happy to be coming back to the Atlanta area to serve as a priest for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. I am grateful to God for all the prayers you have offered for me. May God bless you!

 Vocations include Families, Men, and Women

Through our Baptism we’re all invited to discern God’s will for our lives and our own call to a vocation, either through marriage, single life, consecrated life, or ordained ministry. At the heart of each of these paths is the family and their larger parish family. As a parish we are called forth to join with one another to support, form, and encourage each other in our God-given vocation.

Personal Gifts for a Life of Vocation

As a family, we:

  • See God’s will as the source of our happiness.
  • Have an openness for our children’s discernment for a religious vocation.
  • Are willing to make sacrifices to form our children in the faith.
  • Place marriage and family as a top priority.

As someone discerning religious life, I:

  • Feel good about myself and have good physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • Am willing to sacrifice personal or material gain for the service of the Gospel and the Church.
  • Consider a personal relationship with God as an important part of my life.
  • Love talking about my faith life.
  • Can lead and work with people of all ages.
  • Desire to serve others and make a difference in people's lives.
  • Enjoy life, people, have a sense of humor, and am approachable.

Discerning God's Plan

Have you noticed an individual or family in our Parish who are beautiful witnesses to our faith? Perhaps you’ve noticed an individual who has the qualities needed for a religious vocation? Called by Name is an opportunity for you to help them discern God’s plan for their family, vocations for their children, or religious life. This program is also an opportunity to connect them with our Vocations Ministry who will help them journey along the discernment path. Many good prospective priests, brothers, and sisters are simply waiting to be asked!

Start the Conversation

It’s easy to have a conversation about vocations! Share your faith with your own family and highlight the many ways vocation is part of God’s plan, either through marriage, single life, consecrated life, or ordained ministry.

Don't know where to start? Simply begin with “I have noticed that you/your family has a deep love of the Faith.” Then, ask if our Vocations Ministry can reach out: “I would like to submit your name to St. Brendan as part of the Called by Name program. They will follow up and offer an opportunity to learn more about vocations or how to form your family and respond to God’s plan. It’s also a chance for you to meet others with the same desire. There is no commitment, just a time to talk. Would that be ok with you?”

You can fill out the contact cards in the Called by Name brochure and drop them at the front desk or simply email us at Vocations@StBrendansATL.com.

Learn More about Vocations!

Reach out to our Vocations Ministry and we can answer any questions or provide more information:

About the Sacrament of Holy Orders

Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate. – The Catechism of the Catholic Church 1536

In order to shepherd the People of God and to increase its numbers without cease, Christ the Lord set up in his Church a variety of offices which aim at the good of the whole body. The holders of office, who are invested with a sacred power, are, in fact, dedicated to promoting the interests of their brethren, so that all who belong to the People of God… may attain to salvation. – The Catechism of the Catholic Church 874

Those interested in ministry as a priest, deacon, sister or brother may also speak with our Pastor to learn more and assist with discernment. Call the parish office at 770-205-7969 to make an appointment. Additional information is also available by visiting the Archdiocese Office of Vocations Website