Go, Baptize, Teach!


Sacristans prepare our church for parish liturgical celebrations.  As they put the physical items in place that we need to celebrate, it is through these actions that they also communicate to the assembly to prepare their hearts for worship.  Ultimately, they work alongside other ministry leaders to encourage full, conscious, active participation for all those gathered for worship.

Sacristans attend to the worship space before and after each liturgical celebration.  This includes preparing physical items we use in worship, such as bread, wine, vessels, linens, books, and candles.  They ensure that the Mass flows well by making sure that the tools for worship are readily available to those serving in liturgical roles.

Helpful Attributes
Anyone who seeks meaning in the spirit and purpose of the liturgy and has a desire to learn about the use and care for items used in worship would feel at home in this ministry.  We invite those who are comfortable communicating and working with people and have good organizational skills.  Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (ExMs) are encouraged to consider this ministry.

Training & Time Commitment  
Training is offered at St. Brendan’s for all sacristans and they are encouraged to continue to learn more about the meaning and purpose of the liturgy in their lifelong faith journey.  Parish retreats and special educational opportunities are recommended.  Sacristans typically serve once a month.

This ministry is for any baptized Catholic who has received First Communion, and if married, was married within the Church.  Sacristans must be current in Extraordinary Minister Certification with the Archdiocese of Atlanta, and trained at St. Brendan’s to serve in this ministry. To encourage all ages to engage in liturgical ministry, a junior sacristan program is available for younger people who want to learn how to serve in this ministry and thus learn more about the Mass.