Go, Baptize, Teach!

Adult Confirmation

This ministry assists adult Catholics who wish to receive Confirmation as they prepare for the sacrament.

The Adult Confirmation classes coincide with RCIA classes.  See further details in the section “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.”  Team members may serve in various roles, with corresponding responsibilities: teaching or sharing personal testimonies; acting as sponsors; coordinating a retreat or service project; providing hospitality; clerical support for sacramental paperwork; and much more.

Helpful Attributes
Adult Confirmation team members should be practicing their faith: attending Mass faithfully, receiving the sacraments regularly, and affirming all that the Church teaches. If married, their marriage must be recognized by the Church. They should feel comfortable forming new friendships with those who are in the preparation process and with the rest of the team. Other attributes depend on the particular role to be fulfilled.

Training & Time Commitment
If invited to serve on the RCIA /Adult Confirmation team, a team member will receive training by the RCIA/Adult Confirmation coordinator. Most roles require regular attendance at weekly sessions and occasional attendance at events on Saturday or Sunday.