Go, Baptize, Teach!

Altar Servers


An altar server is a minister who serves the parish community as we worship God, especially during Mass.  While altar servers primarily assist the priest who leads the community’s worship, they also help all people gathered to pray and worship God.

Altar servers are scheduled for parish liturgies including all weekend Masses, weddings, and funerals.  Their main mission is to enhance the liturgical celebrations in the parish by providing whatever assistance is required.   Typically, three knowledgeable altar servers are scheduled for each parish Mass.  All altar servers should appreciate the position of service they are providing to the parish.

Helpful Attributes
This ministry is for those leaders who feel called by baptism to serve the parish community and who wish to assist the assembly prayerfully and reverently.  It is also for those who want to learn more about their faith through service.

Training & Time Commitment
All altar servers must attend a training session offered at St. Brendan before they are scheduled to serve at Mass.  Altar servers typically serve twice each month.

This ministry is for any baptized Catholic who is age 10 (or 5th grade) to adult who has received First Communion, and who has received careful preparation.  Teens and adults are encouraged to become altar servers.  While serving, altar servers wear white albs, provided by the church.