Go, Baptize, Teach!

Respect Life

Meetings: Third Wednesday of each Month @ 9:30am and 7pm, in the Youth Room (same content covered in both)

Contact: Elizabeth Garcia / RespectLife@StBrendansATL.com / Mobile: 470-345-5703


  • To promote awareness and participate in activities regarding Respect Life issues under the guidelines of the Archdiocese of Atlanta
  • Sponsors and conducts pro-life activities, which can include educational programs, support to pregnancy counseling groups, and grassroots legislative action

Members of the ministry vote on what “work” or activity will be performed by the group either at the Parish level or the Archdiocese level and then proceed to delegate responsibilities to ensure the completion of the work or activity.

Helpful Attributes
Commitment and care for life

Training & Time Commitment
There is no training or experience required, all are welcome. Please email RespectLife@stbrendansatl.com for more information.

For a list of Parish Resources click HERE