We, the Catholic Parish of St. Brendan the Navigator, are members of the One, Living Body united through the grace and love of Jesus Christ. We are given and accept the Great Commission of Matthew 28 to Go, Baptize and Teach all that He commanded us.
Go! Ignited by the person of Jesus Christ, we are on a distinctive course to bring others to Him, and to foster Christ within ourselves.
Baptize – We accomplish this by firmly establishing the Sacraments and prayer as the center of our spiritual lives, growing in our Baptism, renewing it in the celebration of the Eucharist, and by bringing it to life through living our Confirmation daily.
Teach – By learning and imparting the Truth and beauty of the Catholic faith, we foster a personal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ which equips and compels us to love and serve others, and to be good stewards of all He has given us.