Go, Baptize, Teach!

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (ExMs) are servants of Christ who bring communion to the people, sharing food and drink with those who hunger and thirst for Christ and commit to being Christ’s body in the world. This ministry is for any baptized Catholic, 16 years of age or older, who has received First Communion and Confirmation, and if married, was married within the Church.  Ministers must be properly trained and certified as required by the Archdiocese.

ExMs assist the priest and deacon by bringing communion, under both forms, with care and reverence to the people during Mass. Those who serve in this ministry have a love for Christ that draws them to the Eucharist and a love for the Church that draws them to liturgical service.  They seek to be an integral part of the sacramental sharing of the Eucharist at Mass.

Each individual must receive the certification of their pastor that they are properly qualified and trained.  This certification is renewed every three years as required by the Archdiocese.  ExM certification classes are offered periodically throughout the year.  ExMs are not scheduled ahead of time but sign up to serve as they come to Mass, so the frequency of serving is up to each individual.

Candidates must complete and submit the following forms at least one week prior to onset of training:*

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Volunteer Interview Form
Archdiocese of Atlanta Volunteer Form - Rev. June 2012 

Email completed forms to llorza@stbrendansatl.com or deliver to the church in a sealed enveloped addressed to Dcn. Luis Carlos Lorza. 

*Current ExMs do not need to complete new forms unless their personal information has changed, i.e., new mailing address, phone number, etc.