Go, Baptize, Teach!

Walking With Purpose


Enabling women to know Christ through Scripture
For more information, visit www.walkingwithpurpose.com

Walking With Purpose aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church.  It endeavors to meet women where they are – giving practical teaching from the Bible that is consistent with Church doctrine.

Helpful Attributes
Are you interested in getting together with a group of women to explore your faith?  Women of all ages and stages in life are welcome.  You don’t have a lot of scripture knowledge, but you would like to see how the scriptures apply to your everyday life?  We invite you to consider joining Walking With Purpose at St. Brendan’s Catholic Church.

Training & Time Commitment
No training or experience needed. Come as you are. The group meets weekly with breaks for holidays and school vacations.